What is the largest mutiny in human history?


The American Civil War seems the obvious answer to me - expect for perhaps the English Civil War; or the Thirty Years War; or the Eighty Years War (Dutch Independence) depending on definition of mutiny. Perhaps the question needs to be closed


Possibly, the Chinese civil war. It lasted from 1927 to 1950, that is 23 years (with some armistice during WWII).


The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny

Perhaps the largest in history, the mutiny of the Royal Indian Navy in 1946 involved over 20,000 sailors across 78 ships and 20 bases on land.

Possible alternative

The Kronstadt Rebellion

Although there are no reliable figures for rebel battle losses, historians estimate that from 1,200–2,168 were executed after the revolt and a similar number were jailed, many in the Solovki prison camp.[10] Official Soviet figures claim approximately 1,000 rebels were killed, 2,000 wounded and from 2,300–6,528 captured, with 6,000–8,000 defecting to Finland, while the Red Army lost 527 killed and 3,285 wounded.[12] Later on, 1,050–1,272 prisoners were freed and 750–1,486 sentenced to five years' forced labor. More fortunate rebels managed to escape to Finland, their large number causing the first big refugee problem for the newly independent state.[13]

Examining those numbers, it seems quite possible to me that the total number of mutineers might rival the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny.


The Kiel Mutiny as it took up the High Seas Fleet at Kiel. Based on the Naval Order of October 24 which caused the mutiny, the number of men in that mutiny would have counted at maybe 26,000 as there were 23 battleships and battlecruisers in port at that time each with somewhere between 1,000 and 1,200 men each, not counting the men in the smaller vessels.

This mutiny was also a major factor in the German Revolution of 1918 which disposed of the monarchy and set up the Weimar Republic.

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