Why was Colonel Bill Eddy kneeling in front of FDR and King Saud?


Accepted answer

I wouldn't read too much into it. Kneeling with one leg during a military briefing is quite common for all army ranks when you are close to a combat zone. In my time as an army officer I have been kneeling a lot like that in combat training. It becomes a habit even if you are outside a combat training zone.

In a photo of the same situation, probably taken just before your image, the Colonel is standing near King Saud and FDR.

enter image description here

He's already bowing down a little to King Saud, probably to understand him better. If bowing down doesn't help to understand a sitting person, the next thing that would feel natural for an army officer is to kneel down like that - no matter if you are trying to listen to a King or any other person.

Keep in mind that the Colonel is not down on both his knees like you would do it in church or in front of a King in ancient times.

They could have offered him a chair, but the next free chair is near FDR - on the wrong side if you want to listen to King Saud.

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