Major power shift in Gaul circa 350 B.C


No, I don't think you're making this up except I'm slightly confused because the period does not match.

Is it Ambigatus, the first King of Bituriges?

He is placed within early La-Tene culture, (6th century BCE). And he did instruct his nephews, Bellovesus and Segovesus, to migrate out of Avaricum (present-day Bourges) because there were too many for Ambigatus to rule at their citadel, Avaricum.

Ambigatus was king at that time, a man eminent for his own personal courage and prosperity as much as for those of his dominions. During his sway the harvests were so abundant and the population increased so rapidly in Gaul that the government of such vast numbers seemed almost impossible. He was now an old man, and anxious to relieve his realm from the burden of over-population. With this view he signified his intention of sending his sister's sons Bellovesus and Segovesus, both enterprising young men, to settle in whatever locality the gods should by augury assign to them. They were to invite as many as wished to accompany them, sufficient to prevent any nation from repelling their approach. When the auspices were taken, the Hercynian forest was assigned to Segovesus; to Bellovesus the gods gave the far pleasanter way into Italy.

Source: Livy, Liv. 5 34

If it is Ambigatus, the Celts should be the first ones at Avaricum (i.e. Bourges), because he was the first high king, i.e. King of Gaul.

By the way, I wonder if Bituriges is from Welsh, "byd" which should be "world" and Latin, "rex" which is "king"? Hence, King of the World?

See also Bituriges (early Celts).

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