What did Russia do in 1848 that could make the Austrians seek "brutal revanche" towards the Russians?


This is clearly a translation problem. The pamphlet clearly speaks about Hungarians who, according to the paper, are bloodthirstily willing the revenge toward the kind and gentle russians who have saved Hungarians from their Ukrainity.

The paper is written in a mixture of a convoluted officialese (канцелярит), densely decorated with patriotic speech and humiliating passages against all other nations mentioned within. That's why it is not particularly easy to read.

First things first, the correct quote, since your OCR seems to have parsed it wrongly. I have added some markup to aid the parsing of this wall of text (and in case if anyone wants to check my translation):

И поэтому то въ началѣ войны, когда на русскую Галичину надвинулись несмѣтныя толпы вооруженныхъ

  1. Нѣмцевъ-крестьянъ изъ альпiйскихъ краевъ Австрiи

  2. и сгорающихъ желанiемъ жестокаго реванжа по отношенiю Русскихъ за 1848 годъ — Мадьяръ,
    въ высшей степени возбужденныхъ своей патрiотической и „украинской“ прессой противъ „преступнаго москвофильства“ русскаго Прикарпатья, какъ общаго и преобладающаго явленiя […]


That's why in the beginning of the war, when toward the russian Galicia approached countless hordes of armed

  1. Germans-villagers from Alpine lands of Austria

  2. and {people who are} burning with {their} desire of brutal revenge against the Russians for {the events of} 1848 — Hungarians,
    largely excited by their patriotic and "ukrainian" press against the "criminal muscophilism" of the russian Carpathian {region}, as the common and dominating phenomenon […]

So the entire story in the pamphlet is about the desire of Hungarians to revenge on Russians for their help defeating Hungarian Revolution.

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