Plot to create a Northern Confederation of States in America about 1804


Accepted answer

Yankee Confederates is a probable answer based on the 1804 date.


Thanks to the tips that @MarkC.Wallace gave me, and through wikipedia, I've found some facts about Timothy Pickering (1745-1829), a politician from Massachusetts, that I find useful on this topic:

Timothy Pickering of Massachusetts and a few Federalists envisioned creating a separate New England confederation, possibly combining with lower Canada to form a new pro-British nation. Historian Richard Buell, Jr., characterizes these separatist musings:

Most participants in the explorationsβ€”it can hardly be called a plot since it never took concrete formβ€”focused on the domestic obstacles to consummating their fantasy. These included lack of popular support for such a scheme in the region. ... The secessionist movement of 1804 was more of a confession of despair about the future than a realistic proposal for action.

This last paragraph is from the book "America on the Brink: How the Political Struggle Over the War of 1812 Almost Destroyed the Young Republic" by Richard Buel Jr.

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