How did Jews feels in the Confederate States of America and what was their political position?


Probably the most famous is Judah Benjamin who was the CSA Attorney General.

There were also many that served fighting for the south, the article here mentions 10,000 and gives names of many of the Jewish officers with col ranks.


Judah Benjamin, a US senator from Louisiana prior the war, and a personal friend of Jefferson Davis, served as the Confederacy Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State. However, as a Jew he was disliked by many confederate politicians.

When the Confederate Congress discussed moving its capital to Nashville, Tennessee, one of the Tennessee senators announced that when this happened, he would introduce a bill banning Jews from entering the capital. Congress applauded.

From the Wikipedia article on Jewish Americans in the military:

  • About 3000 Jews served in the Confederate army.
  • About 7000 (including 4 generals) served in the Union army.

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