What were the racial views of the Nazis towards the Greeks?


Accepted answer

Hitler and the Nazis admired ancient Greeks, who they considered "Nordic" conquerors (thus justifying Nazi Germany co-opting classicism). Their modern descendants, however, not so much. Nazi racial theory asserts that the Ancient Greece declined due to the Nordic ruling class interbreeding with "Asiatic" slaves.

The 1933 Directives for History Textbooks for example says:

With the suppression of distinctions between the castes through democracy and the rapid, increasing racial miscegenation that it caused, accentuated to an even further degree by population decline, the fate of the Nordic race in Greece was sealed, and the decline of Greek civilization metastasized so rapidly that in hardly two hundred years the Greek people were reduced to the most utter insignificance.

So basically the Nazis thought the Greeks were their degenerate, bastardised cousins.

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