Were commandos brought in to break the Grand Mosque siege French or Pakistani?


Probably unable to answer in the short term. The parties involved do not want to reveal their participation in any details, and the blogerati on all sides want to claim credit. It is difficult to sort out the signal from the noise.

Having said, that, based on several minutes of research, I suspect the answer is: Both. There are conflicting sources that assert that French commandos carried out the raid and that Pakistani commandos carried out the raid. The most plausible answer I suspect is:

As the casualties climbed, a team of three French commandos from the Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) arrived in Mecca. Because of the prohibition against non-Muslims entering the holy city, they converted to Islam in a brief, formal ceremony. Saudi Arabia also used an elite unit of the SSG, the commando unit of the Pakistan Army. Iranian.com

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