How did MILAN ATGMs make their way to Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion?


The SIPRI Yearbook for 1989 (page 244) lists 140 MILANs as delivered in 1988; they are in the table as from France but it explicitly notes "supplier country uncertain".

(It is unclear if it means missiles or launchers - the entries for some other countries give the number of missiles in this column, and the number of launchers as a comment.)

There are no deliveries mentioned in the 1990-93 Yearbooks, or 1980-88; that batch seems to be the only one that was publicly discussed at the time. Interestingly - while it says nothing about MILAN - the 1987 one mentions British Blowpipe SAMs as being "paid for by the USA and supplied via Nigeria", which gives a hint as to the complicated route some weapons may have taken.

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