Can anyone help identify this French military uniform?


This might be a Spahi, French light cavalry (Zuaves were light infantry). The Spahi uniform comprised "a sky blue waist coat (sedria) a wide red sash and voluminous light blue trousers" and French Spahis wore fezs.

Your picture shows a man on a horse, wearing something closely resembling a fez and the waistcoat, the wide sash and the voluminous trousers may also fit.

The uniform varied greatly, but there are several old pictures closely resembling that uniform. There is a French site dedicated to Spahis with many photos and articles. Especially interesting is the 2012 post FrΓ¨res d’Armes with several photos, including the fezs. A 2011 post with a picture showing a MarΓ©chal des logis Fourrier 1905 to 1911, note the waistcoat. Another site with several pictures of Spahis around 1900, in which you can see fezs, sashes and wais coats in different combination.

Wikipedia has some photos, showing parts of the uniform (later Spahi uniforms), e. g. from WW1, around 1960 (showing the sash).

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