Evolution of the names of slaves


Accepted answer

I'm kind of curious where you got this idea that USA slaves had Christianized African names. I've never heard it before, and it goes against just about everything I have heard about African-American slave names.

Certainly the first folks off the boat may have had their names Anglicised, but that's not that different from any other immigrant. For instance, I have a friend of Pakistani descent named Khurram who insists folks here call him "Kay". I have another friend from China whose name (the one time he showed it to me) looks like a big morass of H's, K's, and X's to me, who goes by "Hank".

Once here, slaves were just assigned names by their masters. Surnames were not used, as the important designator there was not any kind of family lineage. Who cares about a slave's family, when "families" could be split up on a whim? Instead, they were known by which white family owned them.

An important implication of this is that almost all surnames (from those descended patri-linearly from slaves) date from liberation or later. That often resulted in ex-slave families using the surname of their former master. Some didn't like the subservience that implied, and instead took on the last names of powerful ex-presidents, like Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson.

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