Can A Non Citizen Buy Property In Australia

Can a Non-Citizen Buy Property in Australia?

Australia is a popular destination for people from all over the world, whether they are looking for new career opportunities or simply want to enjoy the country's natural beauty. One question that often arises for non-citizens is whether or not they are able to buy property in Australia. In this blog post, we will explore the regulations surrounding property ownership for non-citizens and provide you with all the information you need to know.

Legal Framework

The Australian government allows non-citizens to buy property in the country with certain conditions and restrictions. The rules are established by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), which regulates the acquisition of property by non-residents. Any acquisition of residential real estate by non-citizens must be approved by the FIRB, regardless of whether the property is new or established.

Types of Property

Non-citizens are generally allowed to buy new properties, such as off-the-plan apartments or houses, as these purchases stimulate the construction industry and contribute to economic growth. However, there are some restrictions on purchasing established residential properties or undeveloped land. These restrictions aim to ensure an adequate housing supply for Australian residents.

Temporary Visa Holders

If you are a temporary visa holder in Australia, such as a student or a skilled worker, you can generally purchase properties for your own use as long as you notify the FIRB. However, it's important to note that you must sell the property once you leave the country or when your visa expires.

Permanent Residents

Permanent residents in Australia have fewer restrictions when it comes to purchasing properties. As a permanent resident, you do not need FIRB approval to buy your primary residence, whether it is an established property or a new development. However, you still need to obtain FIRB approval if you want to purchase an investment property as a non-citizen.


1. Can non-citizens buy commercial properties in Australia?

Yes, non-citizens are generally allowed to purchase commercial properties without FIRB approval. The FIRB regulations primarily focus on residential real estate acquisitions.

2. Are there any penalties for non-compliance with FIRB regulations?

Yes, there are penalties for non-compliance with FIRB regulations. If a non-citizen is found to have acquired residential property without approval, they may face fines, forced divestment, or even imprisonment. It is important to ensure you comply with the regulations to avoid these consequences.

3. How long does it take to get FIRB approval?

The time for FIRB approval can vary depending on the circumstances, but it typically takes around 30 days. It is recommended to apply well in advance of any intended purchase to allow for sufficient processing time.

4. Can non-citizens get a loan to buy property in Australia?

Yes, non-citizens are eligible to apply for loans to buy property in Australia. Many Australian banks and financial institutions offer loan products specifically designed for non-residents. However, the terms and conditions may differ from those offered to Australian citizens.

In conclusion, non-citizens are generally allowed to buy property in Australia, subject to the regulations set by FIRB. Whether you are a temporary visa holder or a permanent resident, it's important to familiarize yourself with these regulations and obtain the necessary approvals. Compliance will ensure a smooth and legal property acquisition process, allowing you to enjoy your new home or investment in beautiful Australia.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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