What answer do speakers of 'tongues' have in regard to the emphasis of scripture?


The question of emphasis

The OP's question is about the emphasis placed on tongues by some Pentecostal and Charismatic groups, considering the relative paucity of scriptural occurrences of the specific term "tongues." I would like to address that idea specifically.

In response, I don't believe that frequency of use in Scripture is a valid rubric for emphasis in worship. If we think about other words in Scripture and whether or not most Protestant denominations emphasize those doctrines or topics, the disparity should be obvious.

For example, a quick trip into Strong's Exhaustive Concordance shows that the words "heaven" and "heavens" combined occur some 715 times in the KJV. Now, some of those references are to the atmospheric heavens (what we call the "sky"), some are for the celestial heavens, while many refer to the domain of God's throne. Still others in the gospels—Matthew especially—are part of the phrase "kingdom of heaven," referring to God's rule and reign either in the lives of the believer or in the world to come. Even discounting the atmospheric and celestial references, there remain hundreds of references to either God's abode or the specific rule and reign of God on earth. Now, following the idea that frequency in Scripture should equate to emphasis in church, I would expect to hear a great deal more about Heaven and Kingdom living and principles than I actually do. (Now, if you are thinking, "Well, my church does emphasize those things," I say good, but I am speaking about the totality of Protestantism, not just one denomination or church group.)

Let's consider another example: the Sabbath. Aside from the Seventh Day Adventists and some Messianic groups, I daresay not many denominations or churches place great emphasis or spend much time talking about the Sabbath. Yet Strong's reveals 172 mentions of Sabbath/Sabbaths in the KJV. Surely we should be emphasizing the Sabbath more than tongues or many other doctrines that have lesser representation (by word count) in Scripture.

In fact, I don't know of any church group or denomination that uses the frequency of a word or doctrine to determine the emphasis they place on that doctrine in their teachings. Instead, I see emphasis as being based on something else entirely.

Emphasis is based on culture and history

If you consider church history during and since the Protestant Reformation, you will see many denominational groups formed when a portion of one group began to disagree with their current leadership with regard to one or more doctrinal issues. (I know I'm oversimplifying, but can we agree that this has happened too often to discount?) The resulting splinter group would form its own denomination, which would then tend to emphasize the issue or issues that caused the split to begin with.  Protestant denominations commonly acknowledge the centrality of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, yet it tends to be the areas of difference that often end up being emphasized. This is history and culture at work—the history of that particular denomination and the culture in which its participants were raised. The anti-papal culture of the Seventh-Day Adventists drips from every page of their eschatology. The Reformation cry of "Sola Scriptura" echoes in every Presbyterian sermon. And "being baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues" is interwoven into the culture of American Pentecostalism. To the extent that there is any scriptural evidence for these positions (or any other doctrinal positions), there will be groups who emphasize them regardless of how great or how small that evidence is.

For me, as a Charismatic Christian, the evidence for tongues and the instruction for the proper use of this gift in Scripture is sufficient for me to accept it. I do not emphasize it as many do, but I understand and sympathize with the motivations of those who do.

The caveat I have with regard to emphasizing tongues is that other gifts of the Spirit (and indeed the Holy Spirit Himself) tend to get short shrift in doctrine and practice by those who are preoccupied with speaking in tongues. This applies to those who are against speaking in tongues as well as those who are for it. Emphasis works both ways.


I believe Zac Poonen is a good candidate to answer this question. There are also videos on YouTube of him sharing his testimony and views on the gift of tongues (e.g. 1, 2, 3). Below a (rather lengthy) quote from his article:

The True And The Counterfeit

There is a certain amount of mystery about the gift of tongues, as all those who have received the gift will acknowledge - if they are honest. We do not know everything about it. We know only in part (1 Cor.13:12).

As one who has spoken in tongues for the past 45 years, let me add a few words concerning what I presently understand about the gift, from my own experience.

When a person speaks in tongues, his spirit (heart) speaks forth syllables (directly from his heart to his mouth, bypassing his mind) and thus he pours out whatever is in his heart to God - whether that be an overflow of joy or a burden caused by sorrow or discouragement. Thus the pressure on his heart is relieved. That is how he is 'edified'

As we saw earlier in Acts 2:4, when anyone speaks in tongues, it is the person himself who speaks, and not the Holy Spirit. The believer forms the syllables himself, just as he does when speaking in a known language. The only difference is that now, he does NOT use a known language to pray, but concentrating on the Lord, speaks forth syllables with his mouth, straight from his heart, bypassing his mind - knowing that God understands the longings and pressures in his heart, even if he cannot understand himself what he is saying.

Unburdening himself like that in moments of pressure helps a believer, especially if his mind is too tired to pray in a known language. We may not be able to explain how this works, but it does.

Let us now look at the gift of interpretation: As we have already seen, interpretation of a tongue is equivalent to prophesying. So this gift will usually be given by the Spirit to one who has the gift of prophecy as well.

In a church-meeting, if someone speaks in a tongue, one of those having the gift of prophecy (usually one of the elders), if he is walking in the light of God, will find a thought being impressed on his mind, if the "tongue" is genuinely from God. He speaks forth that thought in his own words - for it is not a translation, but an interpretation.

If another elder (who also has the gift of interpretation) had interpreted the "tongue", the interpretation would have been the same (although couched in that elder's own words). This would be the case if both elders were in perfect touch with the Lord.

Since no revelation from God can contradict what is written in the Bible, the interpretation will be in accordance with Scripture - just like all true prophecy will also be in line with the Scriptures.

Some who are sceptical of spiritual gifts have asked this question: If a "tongue" that was interpreted in a meeting, is copied on to a tape and someone else (with the gift of interpretation) in another p lace is asked to interpret it, will the interpretation be the same as the first one? The answer is: It should be, if both interpreters had a perfect understanding of the mind of the Lord. If the interpretation is different in content,(and not just in words), that would only indicate that one or both interpreters are not in such perfect touch with the Lord as to understand His mind perfectly. That is not abnormal, because no believer in the world is in such perfect touch with the Lord as to know His mind perfectly.

The following example will prove this fact beyond any doubt: Suppose you have to speak in a meeting and you have a particular message on your heart which you feel is the burden of the Lord for that meeting. Then, if you are unable to be at that meeting and someone else speaks in your stead, strictly speaking, he should give the same message as you had on your heart (even if it be in his own words). If that brother doesn't give the same message as you had on your heart, it would indicate that one of you did not have a perfect understanding of the Lord's mind for that meeting. So we see that believers could fail such a test even when giving a message in a known language.

That's why the Bible tells us to judge even a prophet's message (1 Cor.14:29). Similarly, we should judge, all messages in "tongues" and their "interpretations". What should we judge in such cases? Just this: Whether our spirit witnesses that the utterance (prophecy, tongues or interpretation) was Scriptural (and from the Lord) or not.

We are warned (in 1 John 4:1) not to believe every spirit but to "test the spirits whether they are of God". So every time, we hear "tongues" or interpretation in public, we must test it in our spirits. Many of the "supernatural utterances" we hear may not be from God. We must always reject a prophecy (or any part of it), a "tongue", or an interpretation, if we feel uneasy about it in our spirits, for any reason.

It is the unquestioning acceptance of everything supernatural and abnormal that has brought tremendous confusion into Christendom in this century - and tremendous dishonor to the Lord's Name as well.

Notice these facts in all instances of speaking in tongues in "Acts":

(a) In every case, the speaking in tongues was spontaneous;
(b) In every case, all spoke in tongues - there were no exceptions;
(c) In every case, there was no coaching or urging or instruction given on how to speak in tongues;

Today however, in most places, none of the above characteristics are found. Only where the gift of tongues is spontaneously received without any coaching, can we conclude that it could be genuine.

Of all the "speaking in tongues" that I have heard, my spirit has borne witness to only a small percentage of it as genuine. Most of the rest I have felt was an attempt to imitate the gift - either to be accepted by others in a group or to impress them. A small percentage could even be of demonic origin. My observations are based on the fruit and the results that I have seen in the lives of many people in many lands. Speaking and singing in tongues often appears to be a form of "exhibitionism" in many churches - and exhibitionism is characteristic of little children.

It is also a well-established fact that, at this present time, the maximum exploitation of believers for financial gain is practised by those preachers and pastors who claim to "speak in tongues". Most of the cults in the 20th century have also developed from tongue-speaking groups.

My advice to all believers therefore is: "Avoid churches that major on the gifts of tongues and healing - because many of them go to dangerous extremes and usually don't have spiritually-minded leaders. Seek instead for fellowship with a church that emphasises holiness and disciple-making primarily,that accepts the genuine gift of tongues and that does not covet your money or seek to control your life."

Let me also emphasise that we need to use our mind (renewed by the Holy Spirit) if we are to understand God's will and His Word aright (Rom.12:2). Many believers tend to despise their minds. Our mind is to be like a wife. She should not be the head of the home. But she should not be killed either!! Jesus is our husband and head. Our mind should be submissive to Him through our heart.

In a nutshell then, here is a bit of sane advice on "tongues":

"If God gives you the gift of tongues, receive it and exercise it. Speak forth the syllables from your heart to God when you are alone with Him - anywhere - and especially when your heart is under pressure (through discouragement) or overflowing with joy. If you don't have the gift, don't worry about it. But be open to the Lord to receive it, at all times. Don't be against it and don't get into a frenzy to receive it. God will give it to you, if He wants you to have it, without any frenzy on your part. At the same time, don't believe that everything you see and hear in Christendom is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Test everything. Use your God-given faculties of discernment. If you don't have the gift of tongues, don't consider yourself inferior to those who have it. And if you do have the gift, don't imagine that it makes you spiritual or superior to those who don't have it. (Paul and the Corinthian Christians both spoke in tongues. But Paul was a spiritual giant, while the Corinthians were carnal!!)."

What Is Absolutely Essential

What is absolutely essential for all of us is to be endued with the Holy Spirit's power. It is power, and not speaking in tongues that is the evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

The Holy Spirit is to be received by faith (Jn.7:37-39), just as we received the forgiveness of our sins - on the basis of Christ's merit alone, and not on our own merit. We do not receive the Gift of the Spirit by fasting or praying or by any other work. He is a Gift (Acts 2:38).

We ask and receive - immediately by faith - and go forth believing in God's promise that He gives the Holy Spirit more readily to those who ask Him,than any earthly father would give food to a hungry son (Lk.11:13). If we are unsure about having received the Spirit, we can ask God to give us an assurance. He will not deny us such an assurance.

But we need to be filled with the Spirit continually (because we are leaky vessels - Eph.5:18), just like we need to be forgiven continually (because we sin - often without knowing it - Matt.6:12).

The devotion of our heart to Christ is far more important than our speaking in tongues."Do you love Me more than everything else?", was our Lord's question to Peter, before commissioning him for His service. Arguments about "speaking in tongues" are therefore a diversion arranged by Satan to sidetrack believers from total devotion to Christ.

The greatest Christians in the world have been those who loved the Lord Jesus supremely - whether they spoke in tongues or not. Some like Peter, James, John and Paul spoke in tongues. Others like John Wesley, Charles Finney, D.L.Moody, A.B.Simpson, William Booth, C.T.Studd and Watchman Nee never spoke in tongues (as far as we know). But they all received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they all loved the Lord with all their hearts and they ALL walked the way of the cross. These truths were central in their lives. Other things were secondary.

Let us follow their example and we won't go wrong..

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.


From a layman speaking my heart on the tongues issue. I have spoken in tongues for about 25 years. I find the vast majority of the time tongues flows out of me during my praise & worship of God. But occasionally I have spoken a tongue to the body... it has only come forth that way by a strong urge from the Holy Spirit; mainly because of the interpretation parameter Paul lays out. Not being sure if someone would interpret or would speak up to interpret has kept me from speaking out more often. Also my "walk" condition at the time has held me in check as well.

We see in Acts 19:5-6, when the Holy Spirit came on them, they spake with tongues and prophesied. These were brand new believers in Christ...only 1 verse before!

As to emphasis and stated by others, a correct tongue will be witnessed by the bible... if not by specific word or verse then absolutely by the spirit or tenor and tone of the bible. A proper word or prayer or edification in tongues will never contradict the character of God.

How important is tongues to the believer? 1Cor 14:39, 40.

Before I close, I have heard it said... a lot, that tongues must be of a known language or possibly a language that has been before...? Well that is certainly true if I begin speaking German to a German for his benefit to hear God's council. But what of "your" prayer language... if satan has been here manipulating humans for thousands of years, maybe he learned all the languages along the way... maybe he shouldn't know what the Holy Spirit is conversing to God the Father about on my behalf. Most times after praying in tongues I ask the Lord to translate them for me... so that I have personal knowledge of what the Holy Spirit says I have need of, then I can be in agreement as well. Most of the time thoughts will come shortly that I recognize are not mine and the few times He didn't tell me, when I asked why... He said "you don't need to know yet".

Our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts. When His thoughts come, at least for me, they're easily recognizable.

My doctrine is Jesus and Him crucified. My walk is the best I can allow Him to live thru me.


Not all Christians who believe in tongues place that much emphasis on it.

There is a subset of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movements and denominations who insist that speaking in tongues is a necessary sign of true Christianity. It is that subset that often get the attention (especially from the non-Christian media, where people doing weird things always sells). But many who believe in the supernatural gifts and practice them do not place anything like that much emphasis on tongues.

For example Nicky Gumbel in the Alpha course includes a lecture on the Holy Spirit and talks about the Gifts of the Spirit. In this he encourages people to speak in tongues. However he makes two things very clear: 1) not everybody gets the gift of tongues. It's a gift, and God gives it to those he wants to have it 2) he views tongues as an 'entry level' gift. It's an easy-to-distinguish gift that identifies God's supernatural power, and it's relatively hard to do damage if you misuse it (unlike prophecy, where a false prophet could lead an entire church down a wrong path). His hope is that people who practice tongues will go on to practice the 'harder' gifts.

Nicky Gumbel writes: "Not all Christians speak in tongues, nor is it necessarily a sign of being filled with the Spirit. It is possible to be filled with the Spirit and not speak in tongues...speaking in tongues accompanies an experience of the Holy Spirit and may be the first experience of the...supernatural activity of the Spirit (Questions of Life, p. 155). Thanks Jess.

Plenty of other believers hold similar views.


Perhaps this is not what the questioner is looking for, but I believe I have the true gift of tongues, and many there be who misunderstand the gift and think speaking in some "unknown" tongue--one that no one understands--is what the Bible addresses. I believe such an interpretation is misguided.

My gift of tongues is just like any other gift, such as the gift of healing, the gift of teaching, etc. It must be educated, practiced, and developed. No one (or at least extremely few) have the gift of music and just sit down and play complex music scores on the piano the first time they ever tried. As with any gift, God gives the aptitude, and He expects us to invest our talent wisely and cause it to multiply.

I speak multiple languages fluently, and am literate in those languages, including in multiple scripts. When I worship with other believers, I rarely have the privilege of using my mother tongue, because almost no one in the group would understand any of it. But my linguistic gifts did not come upon me suddenly, as was granted to the apostles at Pentecost. Such an immediate gift is rare, not only in the real world, but in the Bible itself.

David, for example, did not face Goliath having never before touched a sling. Certainly God guided and helped him, but he had ample practice beforehand, and had slain both a lion and a bear while tending the sheep.

Daniel and his three friends did not become the wisest in Babylon overnight. They studied diligently, on a vegetarian diet that provided them with optimal health of body and mind, for three years in the king's school. And Daniel was a polyglot--his book is reserved for the highest levels of Hebrew classes in today's universities, as it has a mixture of multiple languages (primarily Hebrew and Syriac/Aramaic). Daniel had the gift of tongues.

The emphasis of scripture with respect to tongues, as I see it, is that they should be used for "edification," i.e. in such a way as will benefit others. There is no need for tongues at all in a fully monolingual congregation. Tongues are needed when one or more persons do not understand the language being spoken. Then an interpreter is necessary. I have done interpretation on many occasions, even in a paid position for a church at one point in time as the church was trying to reach out to another language group in its locality. This is where the gift of tongues is needful.


The gift of tongues is only necessary and beneficial where language barriers exist and must be overcome--which I believe the apostle Paul, in his own way, was teaching. The gift, like other gifts, must be developed and improved with exercise. Every good gift is from Above, and God honors those who improve their abilities for His service.

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