What does the Bible say about Egypt aside from the story of Moses in Exodus?


It's pretty clear from the Bible that people outside the Hebrews knew about the existence of God.

To make that more specific, they knew that there was a God that the Hebrews worshipped, just as the Hebrews knew there was a god (or gods) that the Egyptians worshipped, and the same for any other race. That doesn't mean they knew that the Hebrew God was the Almighty Creator of the Universe.

They (the Egyptians) might have assumed that he was just one among many gods (or possibly that he didn't exist and the Hebrews made him up). It was a pretty normal assumption in those days that a people thought of their god as one among many - perhaps the best, the most powerful, the one who was on their side, but just one among many.

You might be seeing a number of things going on in Egypt. The Egyptians might assume that the Hebrew god wasn't real, or that their own gods were more powerful. That would explain why Pharaoh might press an attack even knowing that the God of the Hebrews was against him - he is relying on protection from his own gods.

As for your last point, it's never been true that being a follower of God assures you worldly success. Plenty of civilizations have achieved great things without being followers of God.

To answer the bigger question in the title, there are places where you can search the Bible for specific words. Here are the results of a search for the word "Egypt". You can read all those passages to find out what the Bible says about Egypt. You can also read something called a Bible Dictionary which will tell you all sorts of things about Egypt in the Bible.

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