What different acts do Catholic priests require of people who go to confession?


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99% of the time that seems to be the case, even for mortal sins. I've had a few "take your wife on a dates" but the most prayers I've ever been assigned was a Rosary. Generally it's just a few Hail Mary's. I think there's a recent historical precedent for this practice, but I don't know off hand what it is, hopefully someone can expand on that. I've heard of some pretty awesome penances in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

One thing that I think is required is restitution, if possible, of stolen goods. I'm not certain if that's in some rubric or just a teaching, but to be truly penitent it would be assumed that you'd be resolved to try and make good and you usually see that in an examination of conscience following the 10 commandments under the "thou shalt not steal" section.

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