Do Catholic anathemas apply to people who lived before it was codified?


Accepted answer

Do Catholic anathemas apply to people who lived before it was codified?

For example: Do the anathemas issued by the Council of Trent regarding the canon of the scripture applies to the Church Fathers who believed in different canons in the early church before the Council of Trent happens?

The simple answer is no.

An anathema or other penal law must exist at the time that an anathema was pronounced.

For example, in Canon Law, if a Law is changed it no longer exists, a penalty can not be applied. The principle logically would be appropriate both ways: past and future.

Can. 1313 Β§1. If a law is changed after a delict has been committed, the law more favorable to the accused is to be applied.

Β§2. If a later law abolishes a law or at least the penalty, the penalty immediately ceases.

The Church Fathers living in a time that a particular anathema did not exist, a future anathema can not be applied to them.

Can. 1323 The following are not subject to a penalty when they have violated a law or precept:

1/ a person who has not yet completed the sixteenth year of age;

2/ a person who without negligence was ignorant that he or she violated a law or precept; inadvertence and error are equivalent to ignorance.

Thus if we follow the logic of Canon Law, such cases the Church could not anathematize someone.

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