Is there a biblical basis for naturalism?


Impossible naturalism The Jewish rabbis taught that there were 5 essentials created before the physical world could come into existence. We have our own list:

  1. Wisdom (Proverbs 8:22-23)
  2. Physical Laws (Jeremiah 33:25) Imagine matter without physical laws! Chaos instead of Cosmos.
  3. Plan of redemption (1 Peter 1:20) A back up plan for people with "free will."
  4. Prepared Kingdom for Saints (Matthew 25:34)
  5. Mathematics (See Einstein! The universe is wrought with equations!)
  6. Language (And God said... Genesis 1)

Notice that none of these are Naturalistic (physical) in nature. They, however, are indispensable for this physical universe to exist in an orderly manner. Therefore, the philosophy of naturalism is defunct, Biblically and scientifically.

Battleground While the philosophy of Naturalism is untenable from a Biblical standpoint. There is a battle raging over whether God, once He created the physical universe, used natural, unguided, chance formations, to form living beings: bacteria, animals, humanoids, h*m* sapien sapiens. This "naturalistic methodology" debate takes up volumes of scientific abstracts, textbooks, and untold hours of seminar and conference time.

Requirements Keep in mind that evolutionary biology requires prevenient existence of physical matter. Chance formation must have chemicals and elements to play with. And such matter is not something that can be "self-caused". Ex nihilo, nihil fit "From nothing, nothing comes." So a Creator is required---a creator that is outside time and space and matter---or that would involve self-creation, an absurdity.In the beginning God... is mandatory for explanatory power in theology and science.

Better questioning would be, "Is there a reasonable basis for Naturalism? and Is there a biblical basis for evolutionary naturalism given the initial Creation of matter by God?


Absolutely not

Naturalism is the idea that the presently observed laws of nature are all that exist and are inviolate.

Everything we know about these presently observed laws tells us that humans, once they are dead, must stay dead.

Scripture records a number of instances of dead people being resurrected. Besides, Christ Himself, of course, most people at least know about Lazarus (John 11:1–44), but other instances include:

  • A widow's son in Zarephath (1 Kings 17:17–22)
  • A Shunammite's son (2 Kings 4:18–37)
  • A man thrown into Elisha's grave (2 Kings 13:20-21)
  • Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:35-42)
  • A young man at Nain (Luke 7:11-15)
  • Tabitha (Acts 9:36–42)
  • Eutychus (Acts 20:7–12)

This is just the start of miracles recorded in the Bible. Besides Genesis 1, which is almost wholly miraculous, we have:

  • Jesus turning water into wine.
  • Jesus walking on water.
  • Many, many healing miracles.
  • Several people being "taken up" in the body by God.
  • Sticks transmuting into snakes.
  • Fire from Heaven consuming rock.
  • A bush burning but not being harmed.
  • Alterations and temporary cessations of celestial motion.

This is hardly a complete list, and I've focused on miracles that more clearly cannot be explained by providence (that is, having a purely naturalistic explanation aside from incredible improbability).

Therefore, one is left with two choices:

  • Naturalism is true, and Scriptural history is false. In which case, one ought not to believe a single word of it, as its credibility is non-existent.
  • Scripture is true, in which case Naturalism is assuredly false. In which case, one ought to be suspicious of claims which are based in Naturalism but contradict the reliable history of Scripture, such as "the big bang", life beginning from a mess of chemicals rather than from an act of Creation, evolution (both cosmological and biological), Earth existing for millions of years, and the Noahic Flood not occurring.

But wait!

On the other hand, Scripture teaches that God is constant, and upholds all things in an orderly manner. It is this very order, as contrasted to the presumed capriciousness of pagan deities, that allows for scientific study in the first place. The very notion that Nature behaves in a consistent, predictable manner according to unchanging Laws is of Christian origin. When an atheist assumes that the laws of physics will be the same tomorrow as they are today, they are borrowing a Christian idea, and this idea certainly does have a scriptural basis.

This idea, that Nature (usually) behaves in a consistent, predictable manner is a most excellent and thoroughly scriptural idea that is the very basis of what we call "science". Without this idea, our ability to study the world and advance technologically would be severely limited.

It is the idea of strict Naturalism, that exceptions to these ordinary Laws cannot occur, that is not sustainable. Accordingly, when we rule out supernatural explanations a priori, we risk ruling out our ability to discover Truth. This is especially problematic when we allow "science" (that is, strict Naturalism) to dictate a conclusion that is clearly at odds with the trustworthy history of Scripture. God's Word is paramount; by placing that first, we are much more likely to arrive at correct understandings.


No. The bible describes supernatural works of God (creation, various miracles, the resurrection) as exactly that: supernatural. You might try to argue that God accomplished these things through natural means, but you would not be able to use the Bible itself to do so; you would rather be attempting to show the opposite of the plain reading.

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