What are the various evangelical views regarding the agricultural revolution and it's impact on primeval history in Genesis?


Even among those US Christians who self-identify as "evangelical", there are considerable differences in how they evaluate these matters. An Evangelical scholar who subscribes to the ideas of "Young Earth" creationism would simply say that the proposition that there were any hunter gatherer societies is not worthy of consideration, because any of what they would style "supposed" evidence is just not accurate because the Earth is about 6000 years old, and anything that seems to exist from before that time was created that way 6000 years ago.

On the other hand, there are scholars who self identify as "evangelical" who believe that roughly the first half of Genesis up to Abraham may incorporate distortions which crept in during the first couple of millennia when tradition was passed down orally. One view of Adam & Eve which would be compatible with this interpretation would be that Adam and Eve were, in fact, gatherers, and were created earlier than Creationists accept.

Another, 'scientifically similar' but 'exegetically different' point of view is that the first chapters of Genesis are not to be read as scientific 'fact' (as we would understand fact in the modern western world), but as an expression of the foundational truth of God creating everything in order, and man's place in that creation.

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