Did God commit injustice by punishing the serpent if the action of the serpent is based on God's providence? (Roman Catholic perspective)


Accepted answer

No. God did not commit an injustice.

  1. God created man with the capability to reject Him, but that does not mean it was God's will or desire to be rejected.
  2. Before the fruit was eaten, there was no need for a savior because there was no one needing to be saved.
  3. Eating of the fruit of the tree represented the only possible sin, giving Adam the easiest of choices, follow God's will or reject Him and eat of the tree.
  4. God and man were functioning in perfect harmony, with man walking with God figuratively and literally. We do not know how long this arrangement lasted.

I don't see any indication that God needed or wanted the serpent to destroy this arrangement. God knew it would not last into eternity and had a plan ready for when it did collapse, but that is very different than Him instigating the fall of man. A house divided against itself cannot stand. God did not assign the serpent the task of tempting Adam and Eve.

Even now, God does not tempt a specific person to reject Him so the person can be a tool in God's plan. We all get at least one opportunity to choose Him, but there is no promise of a second opportunity. This is different than God "hardening a heart" once He has been rejected. He specifically does use people that have rejected Him to further His plans(e.g. Pharaoh)

God is just. If you discover a situation in which He appears otherwise, you certainly do not have all of the information.

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