How could the Egyptian magicians do what God did through Moses?


I read in a comic book.

There were indeed a snake that can turn into staffs. The snake have acupuncture points. Only a special species of snake can do that and they are small.

Hence, the fact that Aaron's snake is big and Aaron took the snake by the tail is actually significant. God wanted to show the magician that this is not the magic trick they're familiar with.


Turning water to blood and creating frogs and causing a staff(not a stiff snake)into a serpent is no illusion or trick.its power and all power had a source.ignoring it or calling it taboo makes Christians and Christianity seem very weak and unintelligent.God used this source to create the world Satan used the source to mimick God.Adam and Eve dabbled in the source and were thrown out of the garden.God has repeatedly prevented people from gaining knowledge of the source.more power to those who look passed the superstitions and ask the real questions.

.......don't get me wrong.I believe God is the soul Creator of this source.but I also believe its accessible to many.used for good or evil.this is not spoken from one who is young and ignorant.I am 40 yrs old and have spent most of my life working in the penticostal circles and churches.many of wich were more occultic and superstitious than that of pegans


My answer is from the perspective of stage magic, a performative tradition which does not invoke any supernatural sources of power. The ethics of stage magic forbid me from directly explaining how any particular technique or "trick" works, but I assure you that they are merely illusions.

The lore of stage magic includes the tradition that turning water into wine/blood/coffee/tea/milk was known all around the ancient Mediterranean. Water-to-wine kits are commercially available. Combine such a kit with fake stage blood, either liquid or dry, to obtain a water-to-blood trick.

Frogs are carnivorous and sensitive to small insects. Given a pond full of frogs, they can be summoned to the surface by releasing a cloud of insects too small for humans to easily see.

Turning a staff into a snake is a form of sleight of hand. Some snakes are very docile and will stay confined for a while, just like guinea pigs; in Mac King's famous guinea pig trick, I assure you that the guinea pig is unharmed.


I don't have my notes on hand but the bible contains multiple examples of Satan performing God like signs to fool Gods people. The book of Revelations is the obvious example this, but there's more.

As far as men performing magic, you also had Bar Jesus.

Long story short, although it's not exactly a popular opinion, Satan is illustrated as a being with similar (although lesser) powers as God, and it has been written that he has and will use these powers through mankind to gather people to him.

Satan is illustrated as having powers on a similar level as the Angel Michael which makes sense as he was a great angel (even though Satan was/is dark on the whole), but in regards to the first answer these powers are not of earthly origins, nor can they be assumed to he bound by earthly restrictions (physics, etc).

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