According to Protestantism, what is the significance of Jesus and the Mount of Transfiguration?


Accepted answer

John 5:39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me...

A common refrain in sermons (and I've used this myself!) on the Transfiguration is that Jesus is being shown to be "the Word."

Historically, Jesus referred to the Scripture as "the Law and the Prophets," referencing a common idiom of the time. Of these,

  • Moses is clearly the "Lawgiver," in that he is identified with the Covenant most closely.
  • Elijah is the "Prophet," the first in a line and the prototype of many.

By appearing with "the Law" (Moses) and "the Prophets" (Elijah), Jesus is shown to be fufilling all of Scripture.


Moses represents the law and Elijah the prophets,what simply happened there was a handover or a transition from the law and prophets into the dispensation which we are now in which is the dispensation of grace.After they saw moses and elijah,God said this is my beloved son hear him,he did not say hear them and they looked up and saw only Jesus..hence we are no longer under the law and prophets but under Grace..


Moses was both a great Law giver and also a great prophet.

Just before he died he said to the Israelites: "God will raise up for you a prophet LIKE ME from among your own people (Israelites) you MUST LISTEN TO HIM anyone who doesnt listen to him will be completely cut off from among his own people"

This great prophet had not appeared by the time of John the baptist because the priests and levites asked him are you THE prophet and John answered "no".

This great awaited prophet is JESUS we know this because he was just like moses ie Just like Moses he had a miraculous escape from death when many innocents were killed by demon possessed rulers. Just like moses came out of the desert after 40 years with signs and wonders to convince the people that God had sent him Jesus came out of the desert after 40 days of fasting with signs and wonders to convince the people that God had sent him. Just like Moses went up the mountain and gave the Law of the old covenant to the people Jesus went up the mountain and gave the LAW of the new covenant to the people ie the sermon on the mount which STILL MUST BE KEPT at the end of this sermon JESUS said whoever hears THESE words of mine and puts them into practise is like a wise man that builds his house on the rock.

Just like Moses went up the mountain and he was transfigured so that his face shone like the sun and he had to cover his face with a veil so does Jesus

and God the father emphasises to the disciples that JESUS is the great prophet and law giver that Moses prophesied about by emphasising this truth and saying the same message that he spoke through Moses " This is my son who I hav chosen LISTEN TO HIM"

The mount of transfiguration like many other events of JEsus's life underlines that fact that Jesus is the promised prophet, the greatest prophet ever to walk the face of the earth whose words are more important than any other words ever spoken.

WE MUST LISTEN TO HIM or we will be completely cut off from among our own people ie ETERNAL SEPERATION from all those we love.

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