What do Christians mean by "holy"?


Accepted answer

The progression in your list is actually somewhat (although not exactly) representative of the decreasing level of weight carried by the word.

Let's start with this: Only God is holy.

Holy means to be set apart, entirely-other. Untouched by any imperfection. Unmarred by any fault. God is the only one that matches these criteria. And boy is he Holy. The angels in heaven cry out in eternal accord that he is thrice holy. Holy. Holy. Holy.

After that things go down hill fast. Absolutely nothing else exists or ever will exist apart from God that is holy in the way that he is.

And yet there is one crazy exception: Those who through faith in Christ are adopted to be joint heirs with Christ and inherit his very holiness. Over and over through the Old and New testaments we see God calling his chosen people to "be holy, as I am holy." This is an absurd thing to ask of a degenerate created being -- except that he also makes us this way by covering us with his own holiness. At the cost of the life of His own holy son God provided a way to make un-holy people holy.

Some more interesting powerful uses of the word holy involve things like the temple (both the tent tabernacle and the permanent temple) where the sanctuary was holy because it was dedicated to a certain use, but the inner chamber was the _holy of holies because that is where Gods very presence would dwell.

Moving on down the line, the word has some common usages that only involve being set apart or dedicated for a certain use. Church buildings are only holy not in that they are physically sacred but that they are reserved for certain uses ... they are dedicated to the work of God through his body the church.

Cities such as Jerusalem can be considered holy in the sense that they play a special role or enjoy a unique identity or history.


The Christian meaning is not different than the meaning in normal language use.

Simply it means Set apart for God hence:

1 Peter 2:9-10 (RSVCE)
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy.

Food for thought:
Under a ban

Joshua 6:17 (RSVCE)
17 And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction; only Rahab the harlot and all who are with her in her house shall live, because she hid the messengers that we sent.

This last paragraph is purely a recent thinking of mine. People - what chutzpah - judge God by human standards and accuse God of wiping out peoples. My thinking is that those under the ban are also 'holy' in the sense that for the eventual salvation of all mankind, their lives were required to preserve the purity of religion. God will take care of them so long as they haven't other sins they are responsible for ...

1 Samuel 2:7 (RSVCE) 7 The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low, he also exalts.

The human being who brings others to sheol, cannot raise them up from it.


Holiness, as it relates to God, is the ultimate "set apart":

  • He is set apart from our flesh, since He is spirit, and thus is not motivated by the desires of the flesh that afflict us.
  • He is not of nationalistic spirit, since He was not born in any country, and is not beholden to any nation's laws or customs.

  • He is outside of creation and of time, so He is not bound by any of their laws.

Christians are called to be holy, to be "set apart" to God. So holiness in the case of persons is to be uncontrolled by their flesh, nationality, and other things that they may be controlled by the Spirit of God. You can see this in Philippians 3:4-6 as Paul lists the things he formerly valued that were of religion and nationality. The following verses show the contrast, that rather than knowing those things, he preferred to know Christ and His life. So holiness, or set apart, to Paul meant to literally set himself apart from the things he served that he may be unencumbered in his service to God alone. Without the literal setting apart, he would invite ongoing distractions into his work.


I would affirm and add that "holy" is also important for understanding the vocation of God's people, not simply individual moral virtue. To be holy, as mentioned, means "to be set apart." God's purpose for Israel was to be set apart for upholding God's covenant - to ultimately be the agents of peace and healing for the rest of the world (Is. 49:6 - a type that is reworked in Mat. 5:14-16). This vocation, this calling to be the covenant-keepers that would allow God's justice to be administered, was of course impossible for Israel to keep (Rom. 3 attests to how the law itself testified to Israel's inability to keep it - a product of being 'in Adam'). Thus the necessity for a messiah, a christ, was needed to allow God's plan for whole-creation salvation to happen.

Upon Jesus' death and resurrection, he was vindicated as the true messiah, the one who had been obedient to the calling of Israel, thus enabling the covenant to be fulfilled and, indeed, to be the ultimate light-bearer to the world. The Christian, too, takes up this vocation, now transferred to all those who are "in Christ," meaning they are a part of God's family, the new "God's chosen people."

It remains the Christian's calling to be holy, even as God is holy (Mat. 5:48), not in order to be "better than" anyone else, but in order to be agents of God's grace and reconciliation as his rule and reign become more pervasive in the creation he is restoring. This has nothing to do with a superior attitude, as evidenced by the colloquialism "holier-than-thou"; rather it refers to something God is doing, God's intended use for a people he has called to bring about healing through.

An interesting use of this word is found in Paul's writings to the various churches - almost all of which he refers to as "saints" (the Greek word is 'hagios' - the same word used for "Holy Spirit" as well as "all the saints at Philippi). In contrast to the "holier-than-thou" religious types, these whom the New Testament writers referred to were sometimes (but not always) in serious theological and ethical error (the Corinthians and Galatians especially) and in need of stern correction.

Holiness, then, refers not to their actions, or even their attitudes, but to the unique calling God has placed on them to be the body of Christ, hands of healing pressed against the wounds of a bleeding world.

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