Who are the lambs in John 21:15?


Accepted answer

The "lambs/sheep" in this case referred to the whole Church

From one of the notes at the Vatican's web site issue of the New American Bible, for John 21:15 we find the following analysis of verses 15-17 in notes 8 & 9:

8 [15-23] This section constitutes Peter's rehabilitation and emphasizes his role in the church.

The lambs are addressed in this note:

9 [15-17] In these three verses there is a remarkable variety of synonyms: two different Greek verbs for love (see the note on ⇒ John 15:13 {agape/philios}; two verbs for feed/tend; two nouns for sheep; two verbs for know. But apparently there is no difference of meaning. The threefold confession of Peter is meant to counteract his earlier threefold denial (⇒ John 18:17, ⇒ 25, ⇒ 27). The First Vatican Council cited these verses in defining that Jesus after his resurrection gave Peter the jurisdiction of supreme shepherd and ruler over the whole flock.

A citation(excerpt) from the First Vatican Council:

On the Institution of the Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter (Fourth Session, Chapter 1)

And it was to Peter alone that Jesus, after his resurrection, confided the jurisdiction of supreme pastor and ruler of his whole fold, saying: Feed my lambs, feed my sheep [44]{44. Jn 21, 15-17}. To this absolutely manifest teaching of the sacred scriptures, as it has always been understood by the catholic church, are clearly opposed the distorted opinions of those who misrepresent the form of government which Christ the lord established in his church and deny that Peter, in preference to the rest of the apostles, taken singly or collectively, was endowed by Christ with a true and proper primacy of jurisdiction.

About lay led retreats and bible studies

It is in my experience common for Catholic lay leaders to have OK, albeit incomplete, explanations for a variety of doctrine and theology. I have experienced this first hand serving on just under a dozen ACTS retreats. The enthusiasm of the leaders and team members is often matched by a lack of depth in the grasp of doctrine and various high level Church positions.

Sources used to supplement lay led bible studies vary widely, from articles in faith based magazine, to the Catechism, notes from formal classes in theology or religion, notes used to teach CCD to children, to favorite blogs, to official doctrine and of course Scripture. I'll offer the suggestion that the lay leader was passing on something they had learned informally. For a lay led event's purposes it's close enough not to matter. The original apostles were very much Jesus' sheep, and if not The Whole Flock they represent a very important flock, or a key part of his flock, whom he sent to the rest for our salvation.

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