What does the Bible verse saying "don't boil a goat in its mother's milk" mean?


It means that we should avoid, or minimizing, eating milk that has continuously been boiled, because when it is being boiled for a long time, which it is when meat is being cooked in it, it becomes concentrated due to water evaporation.

Milk contains a relatively big percentage of saturated fat, which is unhealthy to drink/eat too much of. Skim milk, and small quantities of semi skimmed milk is a lot healthier than creamy full-fat milk, etc.

The Bible warns against eating animal fat.

Lev 7:23 (NIV) β€œSay to the Israelites: β€˜Do not eat any of the fat of cattle, sheep or goats"


One of several Jewish interpretations of this verse may be found here: http://thetorah.com/meat-and-milk-origins-in-the-text/

The one that appeals to me is that it was misinterpreted and originally meant that you should not wait until a young goat has been weaned before bringing it for sacrifice of first fruits.

Another idea with no evidential support is that it is forbidding a pagan practice common at that time.

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