To the LCMS Lutherans, how is the Bible the word of God?


Accepted answer

View A reflects the LCMS view.

We believe, teach and confess that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit and that God is therefore the true Author of every word of Scripture. [Emphasis mine]

Concerning the use of the personal pronoun 'l', this may be on point:

We therefore reject the following views: ... That the Holy Spirit did not inspire the actual words of the Biblical authors but merely providΒ­ed these men with special guidance....

Further, the LCMS acknowledges that this position is not explicitly stated in the Book of Concord, but believes it to be the correct, historical Lutheran position:

We recognize that the Lutheran Confessions contain no distinct article on the nature of Holy Scripture and its interpretation, but we acknowledge and accept the confessional understanding of the nature of Holy Scripture and of the proper theological principles for its interpretation.

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