Where does the Catholic church stand on governments supporting foreign groups or other governments that abuse human rights?


Accepted answer

The answer seems obvious: No Church could publicly back any government or foreign group that abuses human rights. Historically, the Church's stance may have been different behind the scenes, as most well-known recently in South America. However, Pope John Paul II issued a number of apologies for past wrongs, on behalf of the Church, and these should define the Catholic Church's present stance on these issues. He apologised for:

  • The legal process on Galileo Galilei, around 1633 (31 October 1992).
  • Catholics' involvement with the African slave trade (9 August 1993).
  • the Church Hierarchy's role in burnings at the stake and the religious wars that followed the Protestant Reformation (May 1995).
  • the injustices committed against women, the violation of women's rights and the historical denigration of women (10 July 1995, in a letter to "every woman").
  • the inactivity and silence of many Catholics during the Holocaust ( (16 March 1998).
  • Catholic sex abuse cases (20 November 2001, email from a laptop in the Vatican)
  • the Church-backed "Stolen Generations" of Aboriginal children in Australia
  • the behaviour of Catholic missionaries in China in colonial times.

Pope Francis seems unlikely to depart from the spirit of John Paul's apologies.

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