Why did Pilate insist on writing 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'?


Accepted answer

Crucifixion was more than a method of execution; it was a public execution, and a long, slow, exceptionally painful one at that. Half the point was to make an example of the condemned so they could act as a deterrent.

Part of the process was to identify the person and their crime, which was done by putting a sign on the cross. Thing is, Pilate couldn't actually identify any crime that Jesus had committed. But the Jewish leaders were adamant about sending him to the cross, and when they threatened to raise complaints with Caesar--which they could have done, successfully, as he was not the best of governors--he backed down. Writing "The King of the Jews" on his sign as the reason he was being executed appears to be one last, somewhat passive-aggressive, act of protest against their unfair execution they were forcing him into.


It was what Jesus was charged withβ€”at least, it was the complaint that the Jewish priests took to the Romans. The Romans usually placed the chargeβ€”in this case, claiming to be "King of the Jews" and thus challenging the Roman Emperor and Roman ruleβ€”on the top of the cross to show the people why a person was crucified, probably to discourage others from committing the same crime.


I concur with the above opinion Pilate knew he was in the presence of someone extraordinary. In vs 10 Pilate reminds Jesus of his power to crucify Him. In vs 11 Jesus tells Pilate "You could have no power at all against Me, except it were given you from above;therefore he that delivered Me to you has the greater sin. At that point I believe Pilate developed ears that hear. Something resonated with Pilate when he heard what Jesus said right then. He already told the Jews he had no issue with Him. In vs 7 the Jews were ranting about their law saying He ought to die because He made Himself the Son of God. vs 8 When Pilate heard that saying, he was more afraid. I don't think it was Caesar that Pilate feared. Pilate's concerns were regarding this Man.


He wrote that to identify the criminal, and in a way, to insult the Jews. It was just a way of saying, "Here is your king. This is what happens to people who proclaim themselves Jewish kings" hence "The king of the Jews".

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