Are there any Christians who reject the canonicity of the whole protestant Bible?


I have not found any Christian denominations that reject the 66 books of the Protestant Bible -- it would be particularly difficult to claim to be a Christian without some teachings of Christ to go with it -- but there are individual Christians and groups of Christians who reject much of the Bible.

I'm not referring to people who reject all but one Biblical translation, or those who accept other books as canonical as well--in these cases they still believe in and accept the Bible.

Rather, there are Christians who reject portions of the Bible:

  • Implicitly: they never use some of it (let's all be honest here, when was the last time we read Obadiah? =) )
  • Explicitly: they claim that portions of the Bible are a fraud

Since there are Christian seminaries that teach that 20 of the 27 books of the NT are frauds/forgeries, and their opinion on the authorship of the OT is even worse, I think it is fair to say that there are Christians who reject most of the Bible. Or they treat it as "wisdom literature" rather than "authoritative". Which incidentally runs quite contrary to what Jesus taught (see John 5:39).

There have been theologians who rejected all 66 books of the Bible (e.g. Bruno Bauer), but this position is generally considered neither "Christian" nor "scholarly", especially once JB Lightfoot demonstrated the overwhelming quantity of historical evidence for several books of the New Testament (see Lightfoot Apostolic Fathers parts 1 & 2).

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