What does paragraph 915 in the Catholic Catechism mean?


What does paragraph 915 in the Catholic Catechism mean?

915 Christ proposes the evangelical counsels, in their great variety, to every disciple. The perfection of charity, to which all the faithful are called, entails for those who freely follow the call to consecrated life the obligation of practicing chastity in celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, poverty and obedience. It is the profession of these counsels, within a permanent state of life recognized by the Church, that characterizes the life consecrated to God.

"Christ proposes the evangelical counsels, in their great variety, to every disciple," means that Christ does not oblige anyone to follow these evangelical councils. Yet at the same time Christ recommends them to those who wish to lead a life of perfection the opportunity of doing so, just as he had done his entire life.

There are some variety in which the evangelical councils are performed within the Church: temporary vows or solemn (perpetual) vows. Some religious communities actually renew their vows on a yearly basis. This there is a variety of different ways they are administered or handled.

Consecrated Virgins may make private vows before their local bishop of his representative!


Counsels are "Good actions that are not prescribed by any law"; the evangelical counsels "are called evangelical because they were taught and practiced by Christ in the Gospels."

The evangelical counsels are:

  1. poverty
  2. perfect chastity (virginity or perpetual continence)
  3. obedience

See this answer for scriptural quotes showing how Jesus Himselfβ€”Who encouraged us to imitate Him more closelyβ€”practiced poverty, chastity, and obedience.

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