How will Satan rage in the hearts of the children of men? (LDS perspective)


The Book of Mormon Student Manual quotes the following from a discourse by Richard C Edgley of the Presiding Bishopric. This is the best quote I've found that answers your question succinctly:

We have … had very specific warnings regarding Satan’s power, influence, and determination. Nephi prophesied more than twenty-five hundred years ago of the trials and turbulence that you would face. You all know the scripture. It is found in the 28th chapter of 2 Nephi:

[Quotes verses 20-21]

I believe this scripture is true. I believe the time is now. And I believe the target is you. For the most part, Satan has made great strides in establishing and selling his value system... ‘Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die’ (2 Nephi 28:7) and ‘There is no hell’ (2 Nephi 28:22). His is a value system based upon selfishness, self-indulgence, and immediate gratification... We see cultures infested with drugs, sex, alcohol, p**nography, laziness, and many other spiritually devastating practices.

I think the main answer to your question is in those last few sentences. Those seem to be a few of the specific manifestations you are looking for.

You may also want to check out this BYU website. It lets you look up all of the General Conference addresses that reference a particular scripture. Just look up the verses and you'll get a list of discourses that you can study that pertain to those verses. You may be able to find more information there, scattered across different talks.

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