How can common believers be sure that the Church's decisions are correct and not erroneous?


Accepted answer

The simple answer is know your Bible. God has given us His Word to guide us. The church, being filled with sinful men, is going to err and has erred. But God's word is 'settled in the heavens', is perfect, is truth (John 17:17). So the primary source for truth must be God's words and not men's words.

It is however difficult sometimes to go against the church and her teaching. The leaders of any given church have usually studied the Bible a lot more than the average Christian. But we must also remember that God guides His children into truth, so study your Bible, know it, and then ask God for His Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth.


One can not be sure the Church's decisions are correct. There must be some standard each individual uses to judge the Church's decisions.

Jesus said simply:

Mark 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

If a Christian feels like the Church he is attending is violating Jesus's commandment, then they must decide for themselves to follow their Church or follow Christ.


The 2012 world-wide General Conference of the United Methodist Church is going on right now in Tampa, Florida, USA. This conference is held every 4 years to determine the guidelines and direction of the United Methodist Church.

The only thing you can do as a common member is to pray that the delegates are guided by God and God's will, rather than the earthly desires of a majority of delegates. You can also pray to God for his confirmation that the decision you're concerned about was made in accordance with his will.

The only other thing you can do is find a church more in line with what you believe to be the will of God.

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