What arguments are there that, by him who is Logos, life was not - immediately and purposefully - created on earth?


Your main question prompts me to respond quite simply – “There are lots of arguments that life on earth was NOT created deliberately by one called the Logos” (who, the Bible informs us, later became the man Jesus Christ.) That is because many people who try to formulate arguments about life arising on earth make zero mention of even the possibility of a supernatural First Cause. So, every argument devoid of including God would be such an argument as you ask for.

Many people these days express great annoyance at the very idea that this God deliberately created this universe and life in it. I frequent a web-site where there are often vitriolic verbal attacks on all who dare to suggest that God deliberately created life on earth. They claim that evolutionary theory shows there was “no necessity for God”. Those people sometimes present arguments too, but I am not going to repeat them here – they can do that for themselves, should they so wish.

Your additional points are worth commenting on, and here I quote from the book below, written by a scientist who believes God (the Logos) created this universe and all life in it – deliberately.

When Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA in 1953, it was realized that the specification for life is 'written' on huge molecules using an elegant genetic language having an alphabet of just 4 'letters'. Yet that is not proof of the existence of an Intelligent Designer of DNA. Here's the proof...
Information is stored on DNA molecules, transcribed on to RNA molecules and translated into proteins (the work-horses of the living cell). The processes of storage, transcription and translation closely mimic an advanced human language, involving codes, syntax and semantics.
This 'language of God' (as Francis Collins, leader of the Human Genome Project, calls it) is present in all living systems and, without it, no life would be possible. It follows that the essence of life resides not in chemistry but in information and communication - things that can only be the product of intelligence - not chance - and which the hypothesis of God would lead us to expect. Who Made God? Searching for a theory of everything, chapter 12, Edgar Andrews (EP Books 2012 Edition)

I will not go into the matter of "arguments made by so-called 'old earth' theorists who argue for an evolutionary 'creation' - which is impossible (see below) - rather than an immediate creative act in producing life on earth." The time element is a subject in its own right, not least because many 'old earth' supporters do not argue for an evolutionary 'creation'.

That is why my answer to your last question is simply that no explanation for a single cell ever forming by chance can give a satisfactory answer. Life can only arise from the Intelligent and Eternal Creator of all things, who is the source of life.

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