Do Anglicans use Latin anymore? If so, how much and for what?


Accepted answer

Anglicans do not use Latin for any form of normal worship service or for any normal purposes.

The 24th article of the foundational articles of the Anglican church states:

It is a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of God, and the custom of the Primitive Church, to have public Prayer in the Church, or to minister the Sacraments in a tongue not understanded of the people.

In other words, services should be in a language the people can understand. There are pretty much no communities where Latin is understood by most people. People who disagreed with this mostly left the Anglican church for the Roman church decades if not centuries ago.

The only exceptions I am aware of are when Choral Masses are sung as a service, particularly Requiem Masses, which use the Latin text.This only happens in churches with professional choirs.

Having said that, Latin is not entirely useless in the Anglican church. Many churches are old enough to have Latin inscriptions on the walls and windows, and some traditional prayers and psalms are still known by the first two words of their Latin version, for example "Venite, Exulatamus Domino", and some might still refer to the Lord's Prayer as "Paternoster".


Services are usually in the language of the people attending the sermon, so they can understand it. However, the preacher may refer to the ancient hebrew/ greek/ latin to give extra understanding of the meanings of words and phrases, or connotations that might be missed in English.

Hymns by the choir are sometimes in latin, usually because they are very old. Contemporary Christian worship (at least for anglicans) is usually in English. Even in these, a translation is usually given, or at least a description of the meaning of the song.


The first Book of Common Prayer (1549) contained an explicit exception to the English-only rule:

Though it be appointed in the afore written preface, that all things shall be read and sung in the church in the English tongue, to the end that the congregation may be thereby edified: yet is is not meant, but when men say Matins and Evensong privately, they may say the same in any language that they themselves do understand.

This was probably written with Latin and Greek specifically in mind.

Many Anglican choirs will sing anthems in Latin. It is not considered "repugnant" as long as a translation into the vernacular is provided.

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