"God Bubble" - Who teaches/believes such a concept and what is the basic teaching behind the concept?


Accepted answer

As a Pentecostal of long-standing, mixing with people from various Charismatic backgrounds over the last 25 years, my own experience is of never hearing or reading that phrase used in such a way prior to your citation. On checking a few search results, it looks like it might derived from something like this:

Bubble With Father God - Teresa Liebscher

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In the final chapter of the book of Job, God indicates that Job has spoken what is honest and correct about Him. What does a right and honest relationship with God look like? Teresa Liebscher answers that question, and gives you tools to maintain His presence around you like a bubble. It’s His very presence that has a profound effect on not only you but everyone around you!

I've heard a smattering of Bethel teaching over the last decade, but I don't recall ever hearing anything from Teresa Liebscher before; neither do I recall any of their other teachers using the phrase. However I have heard a couple of iterations of their teaching on the manifest presence of God, and although the term itself is novel, I think I can see where it's coming from.

In summary, I'd say the particular usage here is most likely the individual concerned's derived usage of teaching they've received about the manifest presence of God.

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