Comparative religion textbooks from a Catholic viewpoint


I have 3 recommendations:

  1. First, gathered in this one volume, But Not Philosophy: Seven Introductions to Non-Western Thought provides useful and thought-provoking introductions to 7 major "schools" of non-Western thought: Mesopotamian, ancient African, Hindu, Confucian, Buddhist, Islamic, and North American Indian. George Anastaplo (the author) studies ancient literary epics and legal codes and examines religious traditions and systems of thought, providing detailed references to authoritative histories and commentators.

  2. Secondly, to find the greatest division in the entire history of religions, either of these two books:

  3. Thirdly --and this is is a wildcard -- The Slain God: Anthropologists and the Christian Faith by Timothy Larsen. This will show you that the bias and the lack of honest comparison is an epidemic of the scholars you are depending upon.


I would suggest a good apologetics book, because these are designed to refute the errors of false religions / belief systems and show how the Catholic religion is the only true one, e.g.:

This more recent one compares Catholic theology and philosophy to that of other, non-Catholic belief systems (including even Eastern, Indian thought):

A classic comparing Catholic doctrine to Protestant/Lutheran doctrine is:

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