According to Full Preterists, what historical facts fulfilled the signs and wonders prophesied by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:9?


Accepted answer

The full preterist site above claims Vespasian and his son Titus Fulfilled these prophecies.

Preterism Explained and Interpreted, A Commentary of 2 Thessalonians 2:9: Around the Time in Which Titus Arrived in Jerusalem to Beseiege the City and Immediately before Vespasian became Emperor, “All Kinds of Counterfeit Miracles, Signs and Wonders” were Reported.

Before making His Triumphal Entry into Rome, Vespasian, the Man of Lawlessness, Miraculously healed a Blind Man and a Lame Man or a Man with a Withered Hand.

There were also Miraculous Signs that Accompanied Titus’ Return to Israel to Besiege Jerusalem in A.D. 70 as well as His Coming to Rome afterwards to Celebrate the Triumph with His Father, Vespasian.

At around the Time that His Father Healed the Two Men, Titus called down Fire from Heaven in a Counterfeit Miracle.

At the end of the article, the author summarizes.

The two miracles performed by or illustrated through Caesar Titus during the destruction of the Temple–like the miracles performed by his father, Vespasian–are also counterfeit because Titus did not literally call fire down from heaven nor did he literally rise from the dead.

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