What does Eastern-Orthodoxy teach about the Law and Gospel division?


Accepted answer

The only liturgical text that would come close to such a distinction would be the hymn to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, available on YouTube:

Let us all who cherish feasts praise the leaders of the angels of the Trinity, Michael and Gabriel, by taking cover under their wings, so that we may be delivered from all sorts of troubles, to one saying: rejoice, servant of the law, and to the other singing: rejoice, angel of grace!

The above is the first of two dozen short stanzas, dedicated to the abovementioned angels, half of which end in rejoice, servant of the law, and the other half in rejoice, angel of grace! As our Latin forefathers so aptly put it, lex orandi, lex credendi.


The Eastern Orthodox being Christians also believes in the teaching of saint Paul on the subject, but they have a different theology than Lutheranism. Probably the Best way to answer your question (without spending tons of time researching it) is to point you to an article that covers the correspondence made between Lutheran theologians and an Eastern Orthodox Patriarch that took place a few decades after the death of Martin Luther.

Justification by Faith Alone? The Reply of Patriarch Jeremiah II to the Lutheran TΓΌbingen Theologians, Concerning the Augsburg Confession (16th cent.)

"... The same also do the ancient writers of the Church teach; for Ambrose saith: 'This is ordained of God, that he that believeth in Christ shall be saved, without works, by faith alone, freely receiving remission of sins." β€”Article VI of the Augsburg Confession


Here is another article that covers the basic areas of Agreement and disagreement between Lutherans and the Eastern Orthodox in regards to that early contact by the Tubingen theologians.


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