What does the Catholic Church teach about the communication that takes place among the Persons of the Trinity?


Expanding on Jeh's comment, a Catholic would reject the premise that this passage implies the Holy Spirit does not know the day and hour. There could be a number of reasons why Christ would not have mentioned the Holy Spirit here. It could be that, for the Jews He was teaching, it was understood that the Spirit of the Lord was not distinct in knowledge from the Father. The Jewish understanding of God as a Father and as a Spirit is well-attested to (Holy Spirit in Judaism) (God the Father in the Old Testament). It could be that He had not yet taught His disciples about the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It could be something else we are unaware of.

But a Catholic could not say that the Holy Spirit, nor even the Son in His divinity, does not know the day nor the hour, as this would break either Divine Simplicity (a real distinction of intellects) or the oneness of the Holy Trinity, both foundational doctrines to the faith.

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