100 Year Anniversaries? - Sacred Heart of Jesus


I found this as a source on the miracle of the sun wiki and it might at least lead to the start of an answer. Not so much in terms of good things happening in centuries, maybe two centuries.

From the perspective of 2017, the timing also seems propitious. The apparitions took place four centuries after the start of the Protestant Reformation in 1517, and two centuries after the founding of the first Grand Lodge of the Freemasons in London in 1717, milestones in the shift from Catholicism to religious indifferentism. On the very day of the miracle of the sun in 1917, the Petrograd Soviet took military control in Russia, paving the way for atheistic communism to begin its ruinous domination of much of the world, persecuting the Church and leading to the cruel deaths of tens of millions of people.

Fr Andrew Pinsent - Fatima at 100 - Catholic Herald

So, that's 1517, 1717, 1917, so I guess we might get another hundred years before something else happens.

Semi-likewise Pope John Paul II published an encyclical called Centesimus Annus which was to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's awesome encyclical Rerum Novarum. But there was also a 40 year commemorative encyclical (named as such) and a 90 year commemorative encyclical (not named for the year). This could be because 100 and 40 are "important" to Catholics, 90 not so much, or because no one knows the Latin for 90. But one thing is for sure, Pope John Paul II wanted to make it clear that everything Pope Leo XIII said would happen in 1892 did happen if the forces of Capitalism continued unbridled, the servile state became the norm and separate classes of laws were made for the rich and poor. I don't think anyone particularly looks forward to 2068's told-you-so commemoration of Humane Vitae, but there was a minor hubub at its 40th.

I don't know if you can blend Church commemorations with supernatural events, but the Church is a supernatural force and we are spiritual beings. It's clear from our physiology that 100 years is a marker in the natural lifespan of man and sociology and the Bible places 40 years as a marker in the natural lifespan of generations. So the time in which it takes a prophecy to be fulfilled could very well 100 years.

Given the conversion of calendaring systems though, leap years etc..., it seems that things happening to the day would be a bit of a game that we would be making up for God to play.

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