Do Reformed, Protestant, Trinitarians regard the consecutive names in Luke 3:23-38 as the number of generations from Christ back to Adam?


Accepted answer

There appears to be a named list of 75 generations from Christ to Adam in Luke's account in all the translations I have here. As pointed out, there are differences between Matthew's genealogical list and Luke's, but for particular reasons. This means that they are not contradictory lists; just designed for different purposes, especially as Matthew's list only starts with Abraham.

This means that it's only Luke's list that goes all the way from the Son of Man to the first man, Adam. Luke was inspired of the Holy Spirit to form that list, and, therefore, the simple answer is that all who believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant word of God, will take Luke's list as the generations involved. All the Reformed Protestant Trinitarians I know do not appear to have any quarrel with that. But, then, maybe I don't know very many of them.

There could be different ideas expressed amongst them regarding why there are differences between Matthew and Luke's respective records, or even if Luke's details occasionally merge names / generations, but that should not alter their view on the inspired nature of both accounts.

Anyone wishing to thrash such matters out would find invaluable details in the O.T. books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles with regard to names and genealogies, which help reconcile apparent difficulties. Young's Analytical Concordance is particularly helpful.

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