How should I apply for Schengen visa? My preferred country isn't open for applications but other countries are open


So, if I get a Schengen multi entry tourist visa from say Netherlands, spend a few days there and then stay in X for 2 months, would that violate the visa rules? Is this ok?

Yes, that would violate the rules. According to the EU Visa Code, you must apply for your visa from

the Member State whose territory constitutes the main destination of the visit(s) in terms of the length of stay, counted in days, or the purpose of stay

There are cases where you might be able to make a reasonable argument for multiple countries as the main destination (a 4 day conference in one country then a 5 day holiday in another? You could probably claim either is the main destination). But there’s no ambiguity when you intend to go to one country for a few days and somewhere else for 2 months.

There’s also a clause about when no main destination can be determined, but that doesn’t apply to you.

How should I arrange my flight/hotel bookings and what should I say about my plans to embassy?

This doesn’t apply, as you can’t make the application that way anyway.

Side question. If that violates the visa rules, then what happens when people change their mind about their travel plans? Say I planned to stay in Y for 2 months, I go there but don't like the vibe so I leave early. I visit Z and love the place and decide to stay for 2 months in Z. So if I get the Schengen visa for Y, am I CHAINED to my plan of making Y my main country of interest relevant to the visa (the country I spend most time in)??

You’re not being very subtle. I strongly advise against making a visa application under false pretences. If discovered, it could have serious consequences for your ability to obtain visas in future.

For the record, a genuine change of plans is fine. Plans are plans, they are not set in stone. If 3 days in France and a week in Germany becomes 3 days in France, 2 in Switzerland, then 5 in Germany nobody will bat an eyelid.

If two months in the Netherlands becomes 3 days in NL and 7.5 weeks in Portugal, that’s rather a different matter. If it comes to the attention of the authorities (how likely that is, I can’t say), you can expect to be treated with suspicion. Frankly, I doubt “I didn’t like the vibe” would suffice as an explanation.

the question you didn’t ask but should have: I want to visit Country X as a tourist. I need a visa, but they currently aren’t accepting tourist visa applications. What should I do?

Wait until they start accepting tourist visa applications again.

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