Third time visa refusal


Try finding a lawyer via the Immigration Law Practitioners Association.

In answer to your question, which is clearly influenced by your frustration, each application is assessed individually and your financial situation is assessed as a whole. By that I mean salary, assets and savings are considered together. On your other questions on this site it appears that the way you present information to the visa office is confusing.

This is why several people advised you to use a lawyer. You were unable to find one and decided to try again alone. As predicted here, your application failed again.

Because you have difficulty expressing yourself in English, I think there is a risk you will fail the plab once you get to the UK. You should try to find a practice plab service in Egypt or via video over the internet (sorry, I don't have any more information about this) before spending any more time and money on visas.


The ECO has to be able to match the employment letter and salary slip you provided with deposits in your bank account, this helps to show that the former are genuine. Planning to spend more than half your savings on the trip isn’t credible given your level of income (see β€˜Proportionality’ here Should I submit bank statements when applying for a UK Visa? What do they say about me?

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