Maintenance funds for sponsor for UK visit visa


If your parents can pay their own expenses, it will make a stronger visa application to say they will. Sponsored applications are not a special gold-plated class of applicants; it's a way to pull otherwise hopeless applications into "barely scrapes by" territory.

Of course, if your parents are going to stay at your house, say so and document that you have the right to invite them in (that is, by owning the house).

But unless you need to claim you will pay for their food, entertainment, etc. during the visit in order to paint a convincing picture, don't bother with that.

This doesn't mean that you cannot all actually eat meals that come out of your own groceries budget -- just that you shouldn't (and are not expected to) complicate the visa applications with it if they can show for themselves that they would be able to eat out instead.

If you're paying their travel costs, that's a different matter. But that's also simpler because that's a more or less definite amount that you either have available or you don't.

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