How to get to ALSA Bus Station Valencia from Valencia Airport?


Some minor points of clarification:

  1. It's not the Alsa bus station, it's just the general bus station.
  2. Is 23:30 when your plane lands or your estimate for when you'll be through deplaning, immigration, baggage collection, etc?
  3. What day? The last metro varies.

The metro's website is . The timetables page shows that today the last metro leaves at 23:57 (and for what it's worth the first one was at 05:27). If the plane is scheduled to land at 23:30 then you may have to run, and you may even just miss it. The signage is fairly good, but if you're running then basically once you get through the baggage hall you head left and keep going almost until the end, and then go through the glass doors on your right and down.

If you have time to make it, the tickets can be purchased from machines in the metro station using cash or card. There are two lines from the airport, but both of them go through TΓΊria, which is the nearest metro station to the bus station. The airport is the terminal, so you don't need to worry about getting the right direction.

If you miss the last metro then the only option is taxi. I think it will cost about 20€.

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