Denial of Entry or Travel Ban in Schengen area


Only some of these are tick-the-box items or manufacturable. You can buy health insurance, but bank statements and financial means require a body of evidence going back quite some time.

Particularly, they are on guard against people who are being "propped up" financially by outsiders to look self-supporting when they are in fact not. An example is what we call "funds parking", where you lend her several thousand dollars long enough to get a bank statement showing thousands in the bank, and then of course take it back. That won't work. They typically want to see other evidence of ongoing income - a job appropriate to making enough money for leisure international travel to make sense, and a long period of bank activity which agrees with that.

Now that she's had a refusal, they'll have higher scrutiny on that. They might merely have no proof, but if their interview revealed that her employment situation is poor, that is unlikely to have changed in such a short time, so they will need her reversal of fortune explained.

They may also be on guard for exploitation situations. One is her being trafficked (either forced via threat, or merely sweet-talked with promises of a wonderful Western European life). The other is her taking advantage of you in pursuit of EU citizenship.

When she presents herself and seems to know little about the immigration process and has to check with you, or you answer her questions for her, that raises worries that she's not in command of her own customs/immigration process. And that tends to lead to trouble.

Her application needs to paint a picture to the contrary, and complete the missing parts from the previous application.

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