I was refused a Standard Visitor visa, so how should I reapply?


There is very little you can do in the short term to change the officers mind. My advice to you is to forget about this trip. Among things you can do in the coming months and years, you can do some traveling (preferably to developed countries on similar standing as the UK) and returning to your country within the time limits set by the visa, and get a job, home, maybe spouse and kids, then you are ready to apply again to the UK.

If you apply again so soon, seeing your current profile, you will get caught up in a serial refusal tailspin. It is not a place you want to be as an applicant.

Good Luck!


The eco refused you under paragraph 4.2 of Appendix V which means that he doesn't think that you are a genuine visitor to the UK and are likely to go underground once you are here.

In my opinion, ECO hands were tied here. You don't have employment, or savings, or any close family back home that depends on you. While you say that you have a girlfriend/wife/fiance that is now pregnant back home, you didn't include that fact in the application, and if I understand your post correctly, you currently are not in a position to provide for them anyway.

Those things are not easy to fix, as in order to satisfy the ECO that you won't just vanish once you hit British soil you must have some commitments to go back to. A good starting point would be to get a stable employment, move into your own place, and start building close ties to back home. It will not take months, but most likely years, before you can build those ties, and there is little you can do up to that point.

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