Are people in Hungary and Slovakia friendly?


There probably are few questions that warrant more subjective responses than yours, here. :)

Or, in other words, it's all relative.

The Dutch, in their day-to-day life, are considered, by many, to be surprisingly rude. The Dutch will instead say that they're being honest, or straightforward, and will argue that society as a whole is better for it.

It's probably fair to say that, what goes for the Netherlands, in this context, also goes for the Scandinavian countries.

More Mediterranean cultures, considered more 'friendly' by some, on the other hand, tend to be more duplicitous in their verbal communications, which northerners would consider to be 'insincere', rude, and thus unfriendly.

So, what you consider friendly, others will consider the opposite.

Back to your question. Are Hungarians and Slovaks 'friendlier' than the Dutch. Given your metrics, probably. But, there's of course no easy answer.

The relation between Hungary and Slovakia itself has been strained from the very start (of Slovakia becoming its own country), but, Bulgaria has been an agreeable partner for both. With which I'm trying to hint at the probability that, between the two, there wouldn't be a meaningful difference for a Bulgarian.

Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia, to some extent, have a history and culture that's closer than, say, Bulgaria and the Netherlands, so you're more likely to more easily integrate, though a language and cultural barrier will always exist.

But, from personal experience, the biggest indicator in adults, for being open to accepting outsiders in a personal circle, is age. Something to consider given your personal situation.

As requested, appeals to authority: I'm Iranian, grew up in Holland, lived in Belgium, studied in Hungary, have direct family in Germany, am married to someone of Mediterranean decent.

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