Will putting prescription bottles in a ziploc bag minimize the risk of TSA agents checking it?


It is a good idea but it will make not make much of a difference to the probability of being checked which is essentially zero. Medication in plastic bottles are probably see-through in the x-ray and even if they are able to detect their presence, it is such a common case to travel with medication that there is no reason for them to be checked unless you were travelling with sufficiently large quantity. Personally I require daily medication and have been on a few hundred flights and my medication was never checked. I do place them in a ziplock bag to keep them together towards the bottom of the bag to minimize chances of them falling out during manual inspection (which did happen for earphones once).

The true way to minimize the chance of your medication being inspected is to minimize chances of your entire bag being inspected! There are items that agents frequently ask to inspect manually such as liquids, electronics, cameras, film, etc. Avoid packing these together. Most airlines allow both a carry-on and an extra personal item which you can use to split frequently checked items from medication.

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