Accompanying my wife (who is student) as a visitor


Accepted answer
  1. If you enter on F2 status (with your I-20), there is no problem with you staying for as long as your wife. If you enter on B2 visitor status, they might want to make sure you plan to return within 6 months.

  2. Tourists cannot enter the US through the land border right now. People entering the US to attend educational institutions are exempt from the land border restrictions (e.g. see the latest rule on US-Canada land border restrictions here), but I am not sure about F2 dependents of the student. There are no restrictions on B2 or other statuses entering by air. So you may need to enter by air either way.

  3. Working remotely for a foreign company while in the US in a status that doesn't allow work (e.g. B2, F2) is a gray area. I can't give you any advice on whether this is allowed.

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