Indian e-visa: where is the immigration office located on Delhi airport?


Accepted answer

It is very easy to find the immigration center. You will leave your gate and head down a long corridor. You will than be routed down an escalator and into the room with the immigration desks. You will see sculptures of large hands coming out of the wall. Be prepared to present your evisa and your passport. You will also have to provide a destination address.route leading to immigration center here


It's unclear from your question whether you have experience flying internationally or not.

When you arrive at an international airport on a passenger flight from another country, everybody on the plane (even the crew) has to go through immigration. After leaving the plane, you will follow corridors and signs and will be directed toward the immigration desk. There you will usually find huge queues of people (or at least space for huge queues of people, if you're lucky and it isn't busy) where everybody will need to talk to an immigration officer before proceeding to wherever they are going next.

It will be basically impossible (and a serious breach of security) to "miss" going through immigration.

A quick Google search shows that the immigration desk in Delhi looks something like this:

enter image description here

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